Have you ever heard of float therapy? Also known as ‘sensory deprivation’ we first became intrigued by the concept from the Netflix series ‘Stranger Things‘. If you aren’t familiar, the show portrays the activity as a method of mental escape and other worldly visitation. Essentially, this is exactly what it is. And when the opportunity arose to try it for ourselves, we couldn’t resist! With a blog theme and life motto of “Staying Afloat”, how could we not give float therapy a whirl?
Disclaimer: This blog post is based on a service that was provided to the authors in exchange for an honest review of their experience at Cloud 9 Boston Wellness Center. All opinions are 100% that of Staying Afloat Blog.
What is Float Therapy?
This form of therapy simulates an environment in which all of your senses are tricked into a static state. A state free of all external stimuli. To get the full experience, you need total darkness and silence, in addition to freedom from touch (other than the water in which you are floating), or using muscles to support yourself. With nearly 1,000 lbs of salt in the tank, the concentration of salt in the water keeps you perfectly afloat. Your head rests above water, without any effort. The water and air are skin temperature to remove thermoregulation as a concern as well. By removing all stimuli, your body enters a state of Alpha Coherence, and your mind, a Theta State. Both, characteristic of deep meditation, a lust worthy and highly sought after state.
Developed by Dr. John Cunningham Lily in the 1950s, the ‘isolation tank’ has gained a lot of attention in more recent years. The use of float therapy has become widespread over the last decade. Many athletes and celebrities swear by it, including Joe Rogan, who speaks highly of it on his podcasts.
(Source: Mochihchu)
Alpha Coherence – the ultimate functionality and alignment of the body’s systems, working cooperatively to promote an optimally healthy being.
Where Can I Float?
No matter where you live, there are surprisingly MANY locations that offer float therapy services. With tens of thousands of locations world wide, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find a location near you.
We had the opportunity to experience our first float therapy session at Cloud 9 Wellness Spa, in the Boston suburb of Jamaica Plain. Located on a relatively quite street outside the city, you step into a calm, soothing atmosphere at Cloud 9. We are warmly greeted by Alexander (pictured below), resident holistic guru and wellness master. His soft voice, in combination with the airy décor, accentuate the chill vibes in this space. He is kind in his welcome as he begins to describe the float process leading up to a short introductory video which covers all of the float basics: how to enter, what to expect, positions to explore and post-float rumination.

Alexander has been the face of Cloud 9 Boston since opening just over a year ago. He runs the family business with his mother, who was inspired to name it ‘Cloud 9’ during a bout of meditation. Alexander designed the business logo himself and says he was inspired by the Japanese art of anime, a culture he’s always been drawn to (no pun intended) which is clear from his commitment to a Zen lifestyle. He submits himself to the services they provide regularly, as he firmly believes in the personal development that floatation nourishes.
Theta State – one of five main brainwave frequencies, this form of brain activity induces deep relaxation, mental imagery and creativity.
(source: Theta Healing)
About the Float Tanks
Cloud 9 has three float tanks available for use at a given time. When asked about the design of the float pods (as they no doubt vary), Alexander says they selected this specific design as they felt it to be the most inviting. While they recommend experiencing float therapy in complete darkness to maximize one’s experience,
there are 8 different colours of light to select from when entering the tank if you so choose to keep a light on. You also have the option to leave the tank door open if you are claustrophobic. That being said, the tanks themselves are relatively spacious once you enter.
As you get into a floating position, it will take a few minutes for the water to settle after you’ve disturbed it which will cause you to drift around ever so slightly. At this point you can use your outstretched arms to steady yourself in the tank.
Our Experience
Our reason for floating? Purely curiosity. After a short video introduction and a thorough explanation of the process from our host Alexander, we begin our float therapy experience. First, with a quick warm shower prior to entering the pod, a soothing activity having walked in from the cool winter weather. Next, we turn out the light in the room, leaving the glow of the Himalayan salt lamp and float pod to light the private space. Entering the pod is seamless and pleasant process as the water is approximately room and body temperature. We close the lid, turn out the pod light and begin our float process.

After about 15-20 minutes of settling the mind (we are not frequent meditators), we (surprisingly) begin to experience the benefits of sensory deprivation as we ‘float’ in and out awareness. We definitely experienced some lucid moments during our float. To be completely honest, 60 minutes is a long time (maybe 50 after the walkthrough, shower and immersion). They say, if you can stand it, to be sure to spend the entire time in the tank. (Cloud 9 even offer a 90 minute session if you’re feeling adventurous!) Having started to get restless in the last 10 minutes, it’s easy to appreciate where this advice may have originated. So we remain in the tank but begin to stretch, another recommendation for time spent floating. Just as prompted, the water gently bubbles and the light illuminates to indicate it is time to exit the pod.
Upon exiting the pod, there’s a slimy feel over our body from the high concentration of salt. We rinse off, washing with the complimentary soap, shampoo and conditioner. Once dry and clothed, we walk out into the main entry where Alexander smiles and asks how we feel. “Strange…like I’m still floating. But great! As if in a state of waking dream.”
We will say, it is a pretty incredible sensation (not unlike the sensation post-massage if you’ve ever had one). You feel REFRESHED! What a glorious experience! That being said, they say the overall experience can take a few float therapy sessions for some to obtain that level of ‘Zen’.
what Should I Bring?
A proper float therapy spa should provide everything you need, just as Cloud 9 does! From fresh slipper sandals to towels, they provide ear plugs, as well as shower essentials for your post float rinse. Swim suits are optional and really a matter of personal preference. Being the whole point of the experience is to free yourself of any sensory stimulation, most people float in the nude. Not one part of our experience at Cloud 9 leaves us regretting having left something at home.

Why Float?
There are a variety of reasons that people begin and stick with float therapy. Alexander says he finds a common reason to be that “most people are curious and want to try something new”. But there are also many health benefits to floating. Float therapy is proven to help with:
- reducing stress, anxiety and depression
- promoting better sleep
- alleviating pain
- enhancing creativity and focus
- boosting immune system function
It’s important, while you are in the float therapy session to remember the fact that you have all of these moments, this whole hour, these 60 minutes, these 3600 seconds completely to yourself. Uninterrupted. No traffic, no kids, no cell phone – ZERO external stimuli, just you, yourself and you!
First Time Floater? Here’s Some Advice
If you’re planning to try out float therapy, here’s is a list of things to consider in the 24 hour period leading up to your session:
- eat a light meal approximately 90 minutes ahead of your session to remove hunger from your agenda while in the pod
- prepare yourself mentally with a mantra or some chill out music (check out our playlist of ‘Songs to Float By’)
- arrive early to allow yourself time to prepare and maximize your available float time
- relax
- drink lots of water before and after (but not immediately prior to your session, and be sure to relieve yourself prior to floating)
- pay attention to how you feel days after your float
- shave or wax (floating with broken skin/wounds will BURN)
- float with freshly dyed hair or a new tattoo
- drink coffee or alcohol (or any stimulant for that matter)
- touch your face once you’ve entered the pod, the concentrated salt level will absolutely burn your eyes
Tell me more about Cloud 9…
We enjoyed our experience at Cloud 9 Boston, from beginning to end. Alexander was very thorough in his instruction and the place was virtually spotless. The tanks are filtered using a UV & ozone system, in addition to regular chlorine treatment, (thought the salt levels are enough to kill any bacteria!). The water and salt levels are also topped up in between clients, so you are guaranteed the best experience possible!
In addition to the float therapy, they also offer infrared sauna, red light therapy and pulse electro magnetic frequency (PEMF) therapy. We had an opportunity to briefly indulge in the former of their offerings as well, a sort of low frequency shock therapy which will absolutely vitalize you to the core. To round off their suite as a wellness center, they even offer a DETOX program. All of their services are competitively priced and for the atmosphere and service, you definitely can’t go wrong!. We can’t wait to go back!

I tried floating once after hearing all the benefits. Had to get out early, not sure if it was the shut glass door or what, but a slight smell became apparent that made me a little nausea. I opened the glass for & that helped. May give it one more try before deciding it’s not for me
Hi Carlyn, sorry to hear you had a bad experience. We definitely recommend giving it a second chance! We’d love to hear your thoughts after your next go. Happy floating!
Ok, not the same float spa, I am in upstate NY, but… did my first float today and the same experience. I will for sure go again! However, I was nauseous. It wasn’t the smell though. It was the air, to me it felt like a sauna. Cracked the door a little for fresh air and it helped. I did however get out early. I will for sure try again!
Glad to hear you’d do it again Jill! It can definitely be overwhelming the first time – there’s a lot going on and nothing happening all at the same time. Allowing your body to adjust is the biggest hurdle during the first float and it sounds like you did just fine overcoming in. Happy future floating!
Whoa this is so cool. I’ve never heard of float therapy until now but it sounds so interesting. I would love to try it. It sounds amazing.
It is a super unique experience Jay! The facilities seem to be popping up everywhere, so we bet there’s a place nearby. Happy floating!
I want to try deprivation therapy so bad! Unfortunately, there’s only one place on the whole island in which I live and it’s down *sad face*. Hopefully, they get it up and running soon so I can give it a try.
Sorry to hear that LaTayia. Fingers crossed it’s up and running for you soon!
I have never heard about this, and now I would love to try it, looks very relaxing and loves that it helps heal the bogy
You are most welcome for the introduction Monica! Hope you get a chance to try it out some day.
I have wondered about this as one of my friend said that she does in every month and this has helped her be more calm and relaxed. Could 9 is such an amazing place to try this.
It’s such a unique experience, definitely wish we could do it more often. Once a month sounds just right! You should definitely give it a whirl.
Pingback:Top 5 Songs To Float By - Staying Afloat
This sounds amazing!